Wednesday 12 May 2010

Premium Example of my stupidity in the technological department!

Yes here is a prime example of people who cannot and will never be able to understand the concept of technology!! i have my first follower.. who is my first follower?? oh wait its me! No i don't want to follow myself now i just look like a billy no mates or a mental person?! whats worst than having no followers??? oh FOLLOWING YOURSELF!!!! okay so then to stop myself looking a little weird i tried to stop following myself before i actually get a follower and then they think why is she following herself? FREAK! ohhh yes thats right i'm crap technology... i don't know HOW to stop following myself so its stuck like this!! i am my first follower... how great.... perfect... maybe we'll be friends?!!?

Apolgies ... i'm not strange just STUPID!


How to set something up when you're a Dunce with technology!!

Okay, So a friend of mine shows me this Blog of hers a couple of weeks ago and i'm thinking hmm.. i'm always sat on the computer twiddling my thumbs trying desperately to find a reason to stay on and not do coursework but fail so maybe this blogging thing may come in handy? But I'm also really lazy so when it comes to actually creating the blog i think i'd choose to just stare at the screen and carry on twiddling my thumbs.... its just that much less effort!

Today Snooky felt like a change, Today was a different day.. after having an extremely pointless day at college i felt like actually doing something with one of my days so... i cut the grass in my front garden - Yes it was poorly done, and Yes it did take about 3 hours to do the SMALLEST garden in the world!! But the fact is i did it... and gained £20 so.. Winn XD

After that i decided that i'm fed up with wants on my ipod... Anyone got a brother thats obsessed with music?? He tends to LOVE everything but the stuff you like??? Well try having a brother and boyfriend who are both music buffs - i think i've heard every inch of the music industry.. EVER!!! And my brother decided he wanted to do my ipod for me.. give me a bit of "good music" and don't get me wrong i do like some of the stuff matt listen's to, i also like the stuff Ben listen's But COME ON!! - Nothing says good music like the Bridget's Jones SOUNDTRACK and christina Agularia's FIRST album???! - This is cheese to a T! everyone love the old stuff its the best!! i mean i've still got the good stuff i have David bowie.. Micheal Jackson.. Spoon..Yeah yeah yeahs.. a few of my dubstep remix's Blondie but Hairbrush Diva's 1 and 2 have to be on there....

Thats how i stumbled across actually making my first blog... i was sat staring amiosly at facebook waiting for block party to upload twiddling those weird double-jointed dinosaur thumbs of mine and i thought bugger it i'll make that blog that'll keep me occupied for a while.. However i'm a complete idiot when it comes to technology.. don't get me wrong give me something thats broken i'm the person to come to.. i'm rather good with fixing things but when it comes to technology i'm a complete dunce!!! Ipod touch?? huh?? touch screens?? Nope??! iphone?? don't get me started! so obviously i had sine trouble getting myself started on this too.. But with Big thankyou's to Amy who managed to talk me through it step by step i have finally started my blog! :D

Well that was my day.. i hope you enjoyed ;)
